New Year’s Meditation- Manifest Inner & Outer Success Teleclass


Starting off the new year with clear intentions and goals in all areas of your life is a powerful way to begin your new year. I also believe energetically we have to be aligned in order to both manifest and receive what we want. In other words, our heart and mind and spirit must all be in “agreement” of what we want to attract in our lives. For example if your mind says I want to attract a loving soul mate , but your heart or soul doesn’t believe you can have or deserve this, then it becomes very difficult to attract as you are in mis-alignment. However, when you say want love and all of you feels completely deserving, the “universe delivers”. This is the Law of Attraction.

So this meditation is a beautiful way to open up all your “energy centers” , release blocks to manifesting and designed to nourish the divine loving spirit of your highest self. And watch what miracles will come to you , when you practice these kinds of visualizations.

Please join me where we will set the energy for the New Year, so you can be that empowered wonderful self to create you present and future that you desire….so sign up and I’ll see you New Years day…..

and it’s all Free…..

Happy New Year!


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